Summer Turf Troubles: Tips for Managing Brown Patch in East Tennessee

summer lawn treatment

Summer heat and humidity can bring a whole host of turf grass diseases here in East Tennessee. For the purpose of this blog, I will focus on the most damaging to fescue lawns, which is commonly known as brown patch. It is part of the Rhizoctonia family of fungal diseases that can affect all different turf grass species.

There are a whole host of diseases that are present in the soil all the time, and it is simply environmental conditions that can make them thrive. It can be cold or snow for certain diseases, or cool/wet or hot/humid for others. Even over- or under-fertilization can cause significant diseases as well. If you have a fescue lawn, you’ve likely noticed disease activity occasionally, manifesting as general thinning or distinct circular patches. Brown patch will present itself first with a yellowing of leaf blades that will eventually encompass the whole blade and, if it progresses, can kill the entire plant.

There are certain things that can help reduce brown patch effects, such as various cultural practices like dethatching, aeration, proper irrigation, and a balanced fertilizer program. However, even when these things are done properly, we still may be faced with a disease outbreak.

turf care

The best way to ensure minimal impact on the grass is the application of a preventative fungicide that can provide up to four weeks of protection. These fungicides, applied correctly and preventively, are at very low use rates and are safe for the environment. Once the disease is present, there are curative applications that can halt the disease in its path. At Grover Turf Care, our application technicians can diagnose diseases and apply these fungicides properly and professionally.

Don’t let brown patch ruin your fescue lawn this summer. Contact Grover Turf Care today to schedule a consultation and protect your lawn from damaging diseases. Our experts are here to help you maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn all season long.

Jeff Dudych is a turfgrass expert with 35+ years of professional experience in upscale golf club operations from Canada to South Florida. He has a proven track record of successfully balancing practical needs with sound agronomic decisions. Jeff writes about turf care and lawn management for both residential and commercial properties.